Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Not a Great Day!

Sorry, I want to stay positive but today was a bummer. Started by loosing hair in the shower. Then I was uncooperative during my chemo appointment and wouldn't give up my blood. It was decided that my port is not working properly or that my blood has created a film over the opening and since they can't draw from the port they also can't give me the drugs through it. Which, for today, meant that I had to have them in my vein in the back of my hand. Ouch. Tomorrow I will go to outpatient and have a port dye study to see what is going on. Then they will decide what to do next. Also my next treatment is possibly on hold due to my blood count. I will go in next Wednesday for a blood test and see how I am doing and if my counts are low they will give me a shot to boost my levels. This may postpone my next treatment. So all in all not a great day. As you can probably tell I am a little low. But I promise I'll get back up and be smiling tomorrow. Promise. "Cast all your cares on Him, for He careth for you." 1 Peter 5:7

Nurse Gurty and my friend Starr went with me to lunch and treatment and I am posting pictures for your amusement and mine. Nurse Gurty outdid herself.
Olive Garden seems like a good meal before chemo treatments. Nurse Gurty agrees. Although she looks a little tipsy.
Nurse Gurty got tired of the whole shebang and sat in for me. She was fine. They think she may be a little hard of hearing.
Here's Nurse Gurty overseeing the Red Devil Juice. Since they couldn't use my port today they had to give this to me from this syringe!
My friend Starr from South West Missouri Office on Aging went with me for moral support. Here she is raiding the candy jar. She also carried all my stuff, brought me drinks, told me jokes, asked questions, prayed with me and held my hand. A good friend. Thank you Starr.

To end the day right Ken called and he made it to San Salvador. Now I feel all better.

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