Friday, March 20, 2009

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Well actually today, it's all gone. I have my wig on my head and I'm doin' fine. Don't quite recognize myself in the mirror when I walk by, it's a little darker than my own hair, well than the last color I had!

God has had quite a job keeping up with me the last day or two. You know the scripture, "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not: ye are of more value than many sparrows" (Luke 12:7). I hope He doesn't write that stuff down, that would have taken a lot of note paper with all the cross outs and start overs!

Ken just called and they were just at a school dedication and now headed to lunch. I am so glad that he is getting to do this trip. The Lord has really blessed us here in Missouri with the opportunities to travel and see how God is working in different areas of our world. Look for the upcoming story in the Today's Pentecostal Evangel. A little plug for the hubby.

Well I am back to working on taxes. Hoping to complete the two that are most pressing on my mind and then finish up some Maranatha taxes and have everything done by next week when Ken leaves once again and my friend, Karen from Texas, comes to visit and play. I may also ship a couple more boxes of books!

See, I'm doing fine...

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